Are you neck deep in credit card bills? Are your interest rates piling up month after month making it impossible to get ahead? You are not alone.
With the current state of the economy, credit card debt in the U.S. is at an all-time high.* Thankfully there may be light at the end of the tunnel and you don’t need to take out a loan for it.
Homeowners are turning to to access their home equity to pay off debt without monthly payments or interest, ever.
What is allows homeowners to access between $30k to $500k of their available home equity. Since this isn’t a loan, you don’t pay monthly payments or interest and taking out equity doesn’t get reported to the credit bureaus.
Unlock offers you a cash payment in exchange for a percentage of your home’s value when you sell in the future. If you don’t plan on selling your house in the future then don’t worry, Unlock also offers the option for you to buy them out.
There’s no monthly payment or interest ever and the term is for 10 years - giving you plenty of time to get everything in order.
Here’s what others had to say about Unlock:
I was looking for a way to get out of the credit card debt I had – not shift it around, but get rid of it. The Unlock HEA is not a loan – It doesn’t show up on my credit report. I’m no longer worried. I have no stress. Now my debt is gone, and since I have not added any debt, my debt-to-income ratio is much better.
— Dawn
Unlock Technologies was amazing to work with and had great communication and processes. Their solution fit my need and this has been a fantastic experience and enabled me to take care of some past debt
— Travis
Unlock Helped me when no one else would. They went over things with me, were friendly and kept me updated.
— Sherri
Checking If You Qualify Does NOT Affect Your Credit Score
Almost any homeowner can check if they are eligible for this exclusive alternative and the best part is, it doesn't affect your credit score. There really is no reason why you shouldn't check if you qualify. Imagine what you could do with debt paid off? You can pay down your mortgage, build your wealth, or go on that vacation you deserve.